
宁慧铭 副教授,研究生导师
主要从事固体力学、计算材料力学、新型结构和功能型纳米复合材料开发等领域的研究和教学工作。目前已在Composites Part A, Carbon, Nanoscale等一流国际杂志上发表论文40余篇,其中SCI收录论文30余篇,EI收录论文3篇,共同申请发明专利3项,出版英文著作1个章节。
2002.09-2006.06 本 科 湖南大学
2008.09-2011.06 硕士研究生 湖南大学
2011.10-2015.03 博士研究生 日本千叶大学
2006.06-2008.01 美的客车制造有限公司 助理工程师
2015.03-2017.08 重庆大学www.365388.com 讲师
2017.09-至今 重庆大学www.365388.com 副教授
1. 重庆大学引进人才科研启动项目,2015.03 - 2018.03,30万,主持人
2. 重庆市自然科学基金项目“氧化石墨烯增强CFRP及FMLs纳米复合材料的力学性能研究”,2015.08 - 2018.0 7, 5万,主持人
3. 国家自然科学青年基金项目“多尺度增强FMLs的力学性能及其增强机理研究”,2017.01-2019.12,20万,主持人
4. 重庆市留学归国人员创新项目,5万,主持人
5. 中国汽车工程研究院股份有限公司“复合材料白车身CAE分析”,14万,主持人
6. 北汽新技术研究院“碳纤维复合材料三维编织树脂传递模成型顶盖中横梁关键制造技术与连接工艺开发——参数化建模及仿真研究项目”,48.6万,项目骨干
(1) 宁慧铭,包键,陈国栋,雷飞*,基于NVH性能的排气系统悬挂点位置设计,世界科技研究与发展,2011,33(4),581~583.
(2) 宁慧铭,姜潮*,刘杰,白影春,基于区间方法的汽车乘员约束系统的不确定性优化,汽车工程,2012,34(12),1085~1089.
(3) H.M. Ning, T. Inoue, H. Ito, M. Arai, Alamusi, L.K. Wu, Y. Li, N. Hu*, Improvement of interlaminar fracture toughness of Al/GFRP laminates, International Journal of Automotive Composites, 2014, 1(1), 3-17.
(4) H.M. Ning, N. Hu*, T. Kamata, J.H. Qiu, X. Han, L.M. Zhou, C. Chang, Y.L. Liu, L.K. Wu, J.H. Qiu, H.L. Ji, W.X. Wang, Y. Zemba, S. Atobe, Y. Li, Alamusi and H. Fukunaga, Improved Piezoelectric Property of Poly (vinylidene fluoride) Nanocomposites Containing Multi-walled Carbon Nanotubes, Smart Materials and Structures, 2013, 22, 060511.
(5) H.M. Ning, Y. Li, N. Hu*, Y.P. Cao, C. Yan, T. Azuma, X.H. Peng, L.K. Wu, J.H. Li and L.L. Li, Improvement of the mode II interface fracture toughness of glass ?ber reinforced plastics/aluminum laminates through vapor grown carbon ?ber interleaves, Science and Technology of Advanced Materials, 2014, 15(3), 035004.
(6) H.M. Ning, Y. Li, N. Hu*, M. Arai, N. Takizawac, Y.L. Liu, L.K. Wu, J.H. Li, F.H. Mo, Experimental and numerical study on the improvement of interlaminar mechanical properties of Al/CFRP laminates, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2015, 216, 79-88.
(7) H.M. Ning, Y. Li, J.H. Li, N. Hu*, Y.L. Liu, L.K. Wu and F. Liu, Toughening effect of CB-epoxy interleaf on the interlaminar mechanical properties of CFRP laminates, Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 2015, 68, 226-234.
(8) H.M. Ning, T. Iijima, N. Hu*, Y.L. Liu, L.K. Wu, F. Liu and M. Arai, Investigation on Mode-II Interface Fracture Toughness of CFRP/Al Laminates Toughened by VGCF Interleaves, Journal of Materials Science, 2015, 50, 1915-1923.
(9) H.M. Ning, J.H. Li, N. Hu*, Y.L. Liu, L.K. Wu and F. Liu, Interlaminar mechanical properties of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastic laminates modified with graphene oxide interleaf, Carbon, 2015, 91, 224-233.
(10) S.Y. Weng, H.M. Ning*, H. Ning*, C. Yan, T. Fu, S.Y. Fu, J.Y. Zhang, C.H. Xu, D.Y. Sun, Y.L. Liu, L.K. Wu, Strengthening effects of twin interface in Cu/Ni multilayer thin films- A molecular dynamics study, Materials and Design, 2016, 111, 1-8.
(11) H.M. Ning*, S.Y. Weng, N. Hu*, C. Yan, J. Liu, J.Y. Yao, Y.L. Liu, X.H. Peng, S.Y. Fu and J.Y. Zhang, Mode-II interlaminar fracture toughness of GFRP/Al laminates improved by surface modified VGCF interleaves, Composites Part B: Engineering, 2017, 114, 365-372.
(12) F. Liu, N. Hu*, H.M. Ning*, S. Atobe, C. Yan, Y.L. Liu, L.K. Wu, X.Y. Liu, S.Y. Fu, C.H. Xu, Y.Q. Li, J.Y. Zhang, Y. Wang, W.D. Li, Investigation on the interfacial mechanical properties of hybrid graphene- carbon nanotube/ polymer nanocomposites, Carbon, 2017, 115, 694-700.
(13) Feng Liu, Xuyang Liu, Ning Hu*, Huiming Ning*, Satoshi Atobe, Cheng Yan, Fuhao Mo, Shaoyun Fu, Jianyu Zhang, Yu Wang, Weidong Li, Investigation of thermal energy transport interface of hybrid graphene-carbon nanotube/polyethylene nanocomposites, Scientific reports, 2017, 7(1), 14700.
(14) Shayuan Weng, Huiming Ning*, Tao Fu, Ning Hu*, Yinbo Zhao, Cheng Huang, Xianghe Peng, Molecular dynamics study of strengthening mechanism of nanolaminated graphene/Cu composites under compression, Scientific reports, 2018, 8(1), 3089.
(15) 邓雅琼,陈 洋,栗 娜,段瑛涛,敬 敏,宁慧铭*,胡 宁,三维编织复合材料与金属胶接结构的性能研究及优化,复合材料学报,2018(印刷中).
(16) C. Jiang, Y.C. Bai, X. Han*, H.M. Ning, An Efficient Reliability-based Optimization Method for Uncertain Structures Based on Non-probability Interval Model, Computers, Materials& Continua, 2010, 18(1), 21-42.
(17) J. Liu, X. Han*, C. Jiang, H. M. Ning, Y.C. Bai, Dynamic load identification for uncertain structure based on interval analysis and regularization method, International journal of computational method, 2011, 8(4), 667.
(18) Alamusi, J.M. Xue, L.K. Wu, N. Hu*, J.H. Qiu, C. Chang, S. Atobe, H. Fukunaga, T. Watanabe, Y.L. Liu, H.M. Ning, J.H. Li, Y. Li and Y.H. Zhao, Evaluation of Piezoelectric Property of Reduced Graphene Oxide (rGO)/Poly (vinylidene fluoride) Nanocomposites, Nanoscale, 2012, 4 (22), 7250-7255.
(19) Alamusi, N. Hu*, J.H. Qiu, Y. Li, C. Chang, S. Atobe, H. Fukunaga, Y.L. Liu, H.M. Ning, L.K. Wu, J.H. Li, W.F. Yuan, T. Watanabe, C. Yan and Y.J. Zhang, Multi-scale Numerical Simulations of Thermal Expansion Properties of CNT-reinforced Nanocomposites, Nanoscale research letters, 2013, 8, 15.
(20) N. Hu*, T. Itoi, T. Akagi, T. Kojima, J.M. Xue, C. Yan, S. Atobe, H. Fukunaga, W.F. Yuan, H.M. Ning, Surina, Y.L. Liu, and Alamusi, Ultrasensitive strain sensors made from metal-coated carbon nanofiller/epoxy composites, Carbon, 2013, 51 (1), 202-212.
(21) L.K. Wu, W.F. Yuan, T. Nakamura, S. Atobe, N. Hu*, H. Fukunaga, C. Chang, Y. Zemba, Y. Li, T. Watanabe, Y.L. Liu, Alamusi, H.M. Ning, J.H. Li and Y.J. Zhang, Enhancement of PVDF’s Piezoelectricity by VGCF and MWNT, Advanced Composite Materials, 2013, 22 (1), 49-63.
(22) Y. Li, S. Liu, N. Hu*, X. Han, L. Zhou, H.M. Ning, K.L. Wu, Alamusi, G. Yamamoto, C. Chang, T. Hashida, S. Atobe, and H. Fukunaga, Pull-Out Simulations of a Capped Carbon Nanotube in Carbon Nanotube-Reinforced Nanocomposites, Journal of Applied Physic, 2013, 113, 144304.
(23) Alamusi, Y. Li, N. Hu*, L.K. Wu, W.F. Yuan, C. Chang, Y.L. Liu, H.M. Ning, J.H. Li, Surina, S. Atobe and H. Fukunaga, Temperature-dependent piezoresistivity in an MWCNT/epoxy nanocomposite temperature sensor with ultrahigh performance, Nanotechnology, 2013, 24(45), 455501.
(24) B. Hu, L.K. Wu, H.M. Ning and N. Hu*, Improvement of Piezoelectric Property of Poly (Vinylidene Fluoride) Nanocomposites Using Multi-walled Carbon Nanotubes, Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2013, 392, 57-61.
(25) Alamusi, W. F. Yuan, Surina, Y. Li, N. Hu*, H. M. Ning, Y. L. Liu, L. K. Wu, S. Atobe and H. Fukunaga, Ultrasensitive strain sensors of multiwalled carbon nanotube/epoxy nanocomposite using dielectric loss tangent, Applied Physics Letters, 2013, 103, 221903.
(26) L.K. Wu, Alamusi, J.M. Xue, T. Itoi, N. Hu*, Y. Li, C. Yan, J.H. Qiu, H.M. Ning, W.F. Yuan and B. Gu, Improved energy harvesting capability of poly(vinylidene fluoride) films modified by reduced graphene oxide, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 2014, 1045389X14529609.
(27) Y.L. Liu, N. Hu*, H. Xu, W.F. Yuan, C. Yan, Y. Li, R. Goda, Alamusi, J.H. Qiu, H.M. Ning and L.K. Wu, Damage Evaluation Based on a Wave Energy Flow Map Using Multiple PZT Sensors, Sensor, 2014, 14, 1902-1917.
(28) Y.L. Liu, N. Hu*, H. Xu, H.M. Ning and L.K. Wu, A real-time monitoring technique for local plasticity in metals based on Lamb waves and a directional actuators/sensor set, Computers, Materials & Continua, 2014, 53, 2489-2494.
(29) B. Hu, N. Hu*, Y. Li, X.H. Peng, A. Homma, Y.L. Liu, L.K. Wu, H.M. Ning and Alamusi, Tomographic Reconstruction of Damage Images in Curved Structures Using Lamb Waves, Ultrasonics, 2014, 54, 2015-2023.
(30) Y.L. Liu, R. Goda, K. Samata, A. Kanda, N. Hu*, J.Y. Zhang, H.M. Ning and L.K. Wu, An efficient algorithm embedded in an ultrasonic visualization technique for damage inspection using the AE sensor excitation method, Sensors, 2014, 14, 20439-20450.
(31) Y.L. Liu, W.F. Yuan, M. Morii, B. Gu, N. Hu*, Alamusi, H.M. Ning and L.K. Wu, Monitoring of local plasticity using Lamb waves, Advances in Structural Engineering, 2015, 18, 339-351.
(32) B. Hu, N. Hu*, L.K. Wu, F. Liu, Y.L. Liu, H.M. Ning, S. Atobe and H. Fukunaga, Effects of Initial Crystallization Process on Piezoelectricity of PVDF-HFP Films, Journal of Polymer Engineering, 2015, 35(5), 451-461.
(33) X. Ma, H.M. Ning, N. Hu*, Y.L. Liu, J.Y. Zhang, C.H. Xu and L.K. Wu, Highly sensitive humidity sensors made from composites of HEC filled by carbon nanofillers, Materials Technology: Advanced Functional Materials, 2015, DOI: 10.1179/17535557A15Y.000000017.
(34) F. Liu, N. Hu*, H.M. Ning, Y.L. Liu, Y. Li and L.K. Wu, Molecular Dynamics Simulation on Interfacial Mechanical Properties of Polymer Nanocomposites with Wrinkled Graphene, Computational Materials Science, 2015, 108, 160-167.
(35) F. Liu, N. Hu*, J. Zhang, S. Atobe, S. Weng, M.H. Ning, Y. Liu, L. Wu, Y. Zhao, F. Mo, The interfacial mechanical properties of functionalized grapheme-polymer nanocomposites, RSC Advances, 2016, 6(71), 66658-66664
(36) F. Liu, N. Hu*, M. Han, S. Atobe, M.H. Ning, Y. Liu, L. Wu, Investigation of interfacial mechanical properties of graphene-polymer nanocomposites, Molecular Simulation, 2016, 42(14), 1165-1170.
(37) B. Hu, Y. Liu, N. Hu*, L. Wu, M.H. Ning, J. Zhang, S. Fu, S. Tang, C. Xu, F. Liu, Conductive PVDF-HFP/CNT composites for strain sensing, Functional Materials Letters, 2016, 9(2), 1650024.
(38) J. Yao*, W. Wu, K. Zhang, D. Sun, Y. Liu, M.H. Ning, N. Hu, G.R. Liu, Development of Three-Dimensional GSM-CFD Solver for Compressible Flows, International Journal of Computational Methods, 2017, 14(4), 1750037
(39) R. Wang, M. Han, Q. Zhao, Z. Ren, C. Xu*, N. Hu, M.H. Ning, S. Song, J.M. Lee, Construction of 3D CoO Quantum Dots/Graphene Hydrogels as Binder-Free Electrodes for Ultra-high Rate Energy Storage Applications, Electrochimica Acta, 2017, 243,152-161.
(40) Alamusi*, Hui Li, Youjun Ning, Bin Gu, Ning Hu*, Weifeng Yuan, Fei Jia, Haidong Liu, Ya Li, Yaolu Liu, Huiming Ning, Liangke Wu, Shaoyun Fu & Yong Cai, Molecular dynamics simulations of thermal expansion properties of single layer graphene sheets, Molecular Simulation, 2018, 44(1), 34-39.
(1) 胡宁, 吴良科, 宁慧铭, PVDF夹层材料压电片和该夹层材料压电片的制备方法, 2015.12.09, 中国, CN105140386A
(2) 胡宁, 宁慧铭, 吴良科, 一种纳米添加层层间改性纤维金属复合材料的制备方法, 2016.03.30, 中国, ZL201410007252.7
(3) 胡宁, 吴良科, 宁慧铭, 一种PVDF-HFP/CB压电复合材料薄膜和该薄膜的制备方法, 2016.04.20, 中国, ZL201410007865.0