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2017-08-11 21:07  点击:[]



  彭向和,重庆大学www.365388.com教授 第八届和第九届中国力学学会常务理事、第七、八、九届中国力学学会理事,中国力学学会固体力学专业委员会委员、理性力学和力学中的数学方法专业委员会委员,计算力学业委员会特邀委员。先后作为联合培养博士生、优秀中青年科技工作者、访问教授、JSPS学者等在英、美、日多所高校进行合作研究。


指导博/硕士研究生40余人,毕业30余人,其中10人已被评聘为教授并被遴选为博士生导师。在国际和国内重要学术刊物发表研究论文200余篇,其中被SCI 收录100多篇;获国家专利10项,其中发明专利5项。研究成果先后7次获国家和部省级科技奖。

Email: xhpeng@cqu.edu.cn


(1)    非均匀材料力学理论及应用

(2)    损伤力学与破坏理论

(3)    复合材料力学

(4)    智能材料与结构力学

(5)    制造工艺力学


(1)    超硬纳米多层膜微结构与力学性能及其优化,国家自然科学基金重点项目, 2014-2018

(2)    极端温度超高温陶瓷力学性能测试技术仪器关键问题研究, 国家自然科学基金项目, 2013-2016

(3)    镍钛铌记忆合金宏细观力学行为研究, 国家自然科学基金项目, 2010-2012

(4)    多场耦合下磁流变液特性的微结构机理及跨尺度分析, 国家自然科学基金项目, 2009-2011

(5)    磁流变液微/宏观力学模型及应用研究, 重庆市自然科学基金重点项目,2012-2014

(6)    吸收塔循环喷淋系统安全性分析与结构优化研究,中电投远达环保工程有限公司,2009


1.    H. Li, X. Peng: Simulation for the Microstructure and Rheology in Bidisperse Magnetorheological Fluids, J. Computers, 7(6): 1405-1412, 2012.

2.    X. Peng, B. Chen, X. Chen, J. Wang, H. Wang. A constitutive model for transformation, reorientation and plastic deformation of shape memory alloys, Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica, 25(3): 285-298, 2012.

3.    D, Yin, X. Peng, Y. Qin,.Z. Wang, Adhesion, Atomic Structure and Bonding Variation at TiN/VN Interface by Chemical Segregation, Surface and Interface Analysis, 44(9): 1261-1270, 2012.

4.    D, Yin, X. Peng, Y. Qin,.Z. Wang, Impact of Residual Stress on the Adhesion and Tensile Fracture of TiN/CrN Multi-layered Coatings from First Principles, Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, 44(9): 1838-1845, 2012.

5.         H. Zheng, X. Peng, N. Hu: Analysis for shakedown of functionally graded plate with piecewise-exponential distribution of material properties, Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences (CMES), 86(6): 505-531, 2012.

6.         B. Chen, X. Peng, X. Chen, J. Wang, H. Wang, N. Hu: A three-dimensional model of shape memory alloys under coupled transformation and plastic deformation, Computers, Materials and Continua, 30(2): 145-176, 2012.

7.         C. Zhao, X. Peng, J. Huang, N. Hu, An Enhanced Dipole Model Based Micro-Macro Description for Constitutive Behavior of MRFs, Computers, Materials and Continua, 30(3): 219-236, 2012.

8.         C. Xiong, X. Peng, C. Zhao, J. Huang, N. Hu: Numerical and experimental investigation to reduction of sedimentation of particles in MRFs with permanent magnets, Computers, Materials and Continua, 31(1): 65-85, 2012

9.         X. Peng, C. Min, J. Wan: A Constitutive Model for Shape Memory Alloys Involving Transformation, Reorientation and Plasticity, Key Engineering Materials, 535-536: 105-108, 2013.

10.     H. Sun, J. Li , S. Jiao, C. Xu, X. P. Manufacture and Research on a Kind of Double-channel MRFs Testing Equipment, Advanced Materials Research. 601: 177-180, 2013.

11.     X.Peng, N. Hu, X. Long, H. Zheng: Extension of combined self-consistent and Mori-Tanaka approach to evaluation of elastoplastic property of particulate composites, Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica, 26(1): 71-82, 2013.

12.     Tiger Sun, Xianghe Peng, Jingzhi Li and Chao Feng, Testing device and experimental investigation to influencing factors of Magnetorheological fluid, International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics 43 (2013) 283–292

13.     Hu Sun, Xianghe Peng, Kaiyuan Guo, Jingzhi Li, and Jin Huang, Magnetorheological Materials Theory System and Experimental Investigation, Materials Focus, 2(4): 1-5, 2013.

14.     Tiger Sun, Xianghe Peng, Shuping Jiao, Changxing Xu, and Jingzhi Li, Simulation of Particle Dynamics of Nano-Magnetorheological Materials in External Magnetic Fields, J. Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, 11: 1-6, 2014

15.     HUANG JunPing, PENG XiangHe & HU XianZhi: The first principles investigation of ferrite magnetic response with mismatch stress, SCIENCE CHINA-Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy, 57(3): 512-520, 2014.

16.     Xiang Chen, Xianghe Peng, Bin Chen, Jia Han, Zhongmin Zeng, Ning Hu, Experimental investigation to thermal-mechanical behavior of Ni47Ti44Nb9 SMA under pure tension and pure torsion, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 610 (2014) 151–160

17.     H. Zheng, X. Peng and N. Hu. Optimal Analysis for Shakedown of Functionally Graded (FG) Bree Plate with Genetic Algorithm. CMC: Computers, Materials & Continua, 41(1), 55-84, 2014.

18.     Ziyuan Zhou, Xianghe Peng, Zhen Wei. A thermo-chemo-mechanical model for the oxidation of zirconium diboride. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 98(2): 629-636, 2015.

19.     T. Fu, X. Peng, Y. Zhao, C. Feng, S. Tang, N. Hu, Z. Wang. First-principles calculation and molecular dynamics simulation of fracture behavior of VN layers under uniaxial tension, Physica E, 69: 224–231, 2015.

20.     X. Chen, X. Peng, B. Chen, J. Han, Z. Zeng N. Hu. Experimental investigation on transformation, reorientation and plasticity of Ni47Ti44Nb9 SMA under biaxial thermal–mechanical loading. Smart Materials and Structures, 2015.  

21.     T. Fu, X. Peng, C. Feng, Y. Zhao, Z. Wang. MD simulation of growth of Pd on Cu (1 1 1) and Cu on Pd (1 1 1) substrates. Applied Surface Science, 356 (2015) 651–658.

22.     T. Fu, X. Peng, Y. Zhao, R. Sun, S. Weng, C. Feng, Z. Wang. Molecular dynamics simulation of TiN (001) thin films under indentation. Ceramics International, 41(10):14078-14086, 2015.

23.     Y. Zhao, X. Peng, Tao Fu, C. Feng, Z. Wang. MD simulations study of nano-indentation on and   surfaces of Ag-Ni multilayers. Physica E, 74: 481-488, 2015.

24.     T. Fu, X. Peng, C. Huang, D. Yin, Q. Li, Z. Wang. Molecular dynamics s of VN thin films under indentation. Applied Surface Science, 357: 643-650, 2015.

25.     T. Fu, X. Peng, Y. Zhao, R. Sun, D. Yin, N. Hu, Z. Wang. Molecular dynamics simulation of the slip systems in VN. RSC Advance, 5: 77381-77388, 2015.

26.     D. Yin, X. Peng, Y. Qin, Z. Wang. Template effect in TiN/AlN multilayered coatings from first principles, Ceramics International, 41(8), 10095–10101, 2015.

27.     Q. Li, X. Peng, T. Peng, Q. Tang, X. Zhang, C. Huang. Molecular dynamics simulation of Cu/Au thin films undertemperature gradient. Applied Surface Science 357, 1823–1829, 2015.

28.     X. Peng, S. Tang, N. Hu, J. Han. Determination of the Eshelby tensor in mean-field schemes for evaluation of mechanical properties of elastoplastic composites. Int. J. Plasticity, 76(2016): 147-165.

29.     T. Fu, X. Peng, Y. Zhao, T. Li, Q. Li, Z, Wang. Molecular dynamics simulation of deformation twin in rocksalt vanadium nitride, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 675 (2016) 128–133

30.     T. Fu, X. Peng, Y. Zhao, C. Feng, C. Huang, Q. Li, Z. Wang. MD simulation of effect of crystal orientations and substrate temperature on growth of Cu/Ni bilayer films. Applied Physics A-Materials Science & Processing, 122(2), 66-74, 2016.

31.     Y. Zhao, X. Peng, T. Fu, C, Huang, C. Feng, D. Yin, Z. Wang, Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Nano-indentation of (111) Cubic Boron Nitride with Optimized Tersoff Potential, Applied Surface Science, 2016. T. Fu, X. Peng,S. Weng, Y. Zhao, F. Gao a, L. Deng, Z. Wang. Molecular dynamics simulation of effects of twin interfaces on Cu/Ni multilayers. Materials Science & Engineering A, 658, 1–7, 2016.

32.     X. Chen, X. Peng, Z. Wei, X. Yue, T. Fu, Repeated thermal shock behavior of ZrB2-SiC-graphite composite under prestress. Ceramics International, (Available online 29 July 2016, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ceramint.2016.07.202)


(1)    双流道磁流变液MRFs特性测试装置及其测试方法

(2)    一种水平环槽式磁流变材料测试设备

(3)    一种磁流变材料磁场可控微观动态观测装置

(4)    一种形状记忆合金拉扭实验试件、夹具及其装置

(5)    一种高拉扭比的拉扭复合式传感器

(6)    小型超高温力学性能测试装置

(7)    材料高围压温控动态特性测试系统

(8)    形状记忆合金拉扭实验观测装置及方法

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